Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Dipping into DHC - Salicylic Acne Toner

If you've been reading Cottonball Crusade for awhile, you'll realize that I've been using the L'egere ice toner (Initial + followup review HERE) for quite long now and am quite a fan. However I've become increasingly irritated at the lack of stock in shops here! John Little and BHG don't seem to be restocking the Ice toners at all~~~~ ( T_T ) I stocked up a few bottles whenever there was a sale but because 1 bottle only lasts me about 1 1/2 mths, I felt it best to find an alternative.

After some misses with other brands like Suisai (Tightening Lotion) and Bioessence (Tanaka White) I decided to give DHC a whirl.

Retails for S$32 exclusively @ Watsons
This is my first product from DHC by the way, never really knew what to make of their products before ^_^;;

Back of the box info:

Overall, I don't really have acne prone skin but the DHC Salicylic Acne Toner, like the L'egere Ice Toner, contains Salicylic acid so I thought that might be the active ingredient for controlling my clog/spot-prone jawline. Also, it states that it'd suit combination, normal or oily skin types so I reckoned it wouldn't be too harsh.

Here's a look at the ingredients:

 I am slightly comforted by the various natural extracts towards the end of the list. Just slightly. =P

It's your basic twist off cap with a nozzle dispenser:

The nozzle controls product quite well so you don't need to be worried about product spillage as long as you're not swinging the bottle around =P

Even though it's the same product weight as L'egere, the DHC toner definitely lasts longer because of it's liquid form~ Because of that, the slightly higher price doesn't bother me much.

I've been using the DHC toner for almost a month now so the effect has stabilized enough for me to review it properly =)

1st week
I felt my skin become a lot softer. And I mean ALOT. Since stopping the L'egere toner, several (but not many) clogs reappeared along my jawline plus ONE zit. I suppose the fact that it was that time of the month for me played a part?

2nd week
Clogs start to fade away SLOWLY. Skin feels super smooth and soft *hearts* Oil control, whilst not as immediate or mattifying as L'egere, is effective. Skin has a healthy sheen without looking or feeling oily.

4th week
Still experience the occasional clog or 2 but very rare. Skin remains super smooth and soft to the touch *omg love* My complexion has also developed a sort of radiant sheen!

In short, the DHC Salicylic Acne Toner:
  • is quite affordable and easily available at Watsons, occasional sales on DHC items will get you 20 - 25% discount
  • 160ml of product should last abt 2 to 3 months by my current estimation
  • suitable for combination, normal and oily skin types - I have combination skin (oily base, slightly dehydrated surface) with no adverse reactions ^_^
  • Leaves a very very slight tacky feel that fades quickly (this doesn't really matter cos moisturiser's going over it anyway)
  • Doesn't have the mattifying effect of L'egere but nevertheless has good oil and sebum control
  • Has a slightly antiseptic & leafy smell, not unpleasant really and it dissipates in seconds
  • Produced the promised softening and smoothening effect within 2 weeks of regular twice a day usage, effect is lasting and very very nice!
Basically, I'm SOLD. Bye bye L'egere, Hello DHC~